Freeze Data

First Freeze
Last Freeze
Average18 Декември15 Май
Earliest17 Октомври (2015)9 Април (2024)
Latest1 Юли (2022)30 Юни (2022)

Юли - Юни
First Freeze
Last Freeze
Days with Low
Most Consecutive Days with Low ≤0°CDays with High
Most Consecutive Days with High ≤0°C
2024 / 2025 *------0000
2023 / 2024 *1 Юли 2023 (0.0°C)9 Април 2024 (0.0°C)142141140140
2022 / 2023 *1 Юли 2022 (0.0°C)30 Юни 2023 (0.0°C)351351351351
2021 / 2022 *3 Ноември 2021 (-1.0°C)30 Юни 2022 (0.0°C)172113144113
2020 / 2021 *30 Октомври 2020 (-2.2°C)26 Април 2021 (-0.7°C)119533916
2019 / 2020 *6 Ноември 2019 (-0.2°C)13 Май 2020 (0.0°C)11413274
2018 / 2019 *18 Октомври 2018 (-1.1°C)13 Май 2019 (0.0°C)135335115
2017 / 2018 *9 Ноември 2017 (-3.8°C)20 Април 2018 (-1.2°C)133235018
2016 / 2017 *25 Октомври 2016 (0.0°C)24 Май 2017 (0.0°C)10923396
2015 / 2016 *17 Октомври 2015 (-1.4°C)9 Юни 2016 (0.0°C)111163110
2014 / 2015 *2 Ноември 2014 (-2.2°C)25 Април 2015 (-1.9°C)134517133
2013 / 2014 *1 Януари 2014 (-15.5°C)24 Април 2014 (-0.7°C)90375213
* denotes incomplete data for the year.

The above freeze information is based on data recorded at The Vicarage Weather Feed.

Script Developed by Murry Conarroe of Wildwood Weather.

This data is offered only as a general guide to local weather conditions. It should not be relied upon in lieu of officially disseminated weather information for determining possible risk to persons or property. This site, including all information contained therein, is made available as is without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. The Vicarage Weather Feed© includes links to other sites for user convenience only. The content of any linked third-party site is not controlled by The Vicarage Weather Feed©. Access to any third-party website through The Vicarage Weather Feed©, regardless of whether or not the third-party site is a linked site, is entirely at the users own risk. Externally sourced content or material is excluded from The Vicarage Weather Feed© copyright and is the copyright and property of the respective provider. Skywarn® and the Skywarn® logo are registered trademarks of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, used with permission.