River Heights

Last Updated: Saturday July 27th, 2024 03:31 AM EDT

Stage Color Key
No Flooding Near Flood Minor Flooding Mod Flooding Major Flooding Obs > 24hrs
Flood category not defined At/Below low water threshold Out of Service
Marker Key
Forecast AvailableForecast Available Probability and Forecast AvailableProbability & Forecast Available Observations only AvailableObservations Only

Location HeightTrendForecastStatus
Chenango River at Norwich (NWHN6) 3.74ft No change in last hour  Normal
Chenango River at Greene (GNEN6) 2.43ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.38 ft. in next hour
Chenango River at Chenago Forks (CNON6) 3.17ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.4 ft. in next hour
Susquehanna River at Binghamton (BNGN6) 3.25ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 160.36 ft. in next hour
Susquehanna River at Windsor (WSRN6) 3.90ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.5 ft. in next hour
Susquehanna River at Sidney (SIDN6) 969.42ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.5 ft. in next hour
Susquehanna River at Bainbridge (BAIN6) 2.00ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.16 ft. in next hour
Susquehanna River at Unadilla (UNDN6) 3.05ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.43 ft. in next hour
West Branch Delaware at Cannonsville (CNNN6) 1,129.92ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 370.25 ft. in next hour
West Branch Delaware at Walton (WALN6) 3.75ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.68 ft. in next hour
West Branch Delaware at Delhi (DELN6) 2.14ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.68 ft. in next hour
East Branch Delaware at Downsville (DWNN6) 3.12ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.68 ft. in next hour
East Branch Delaware at Pepacton (PEPN6) 1,267.00ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 412 ft. in next hour
Unadilla River at Rockdale (RCKN6) 4.31ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.76 ft. in next hour
Snoequalmie River (squw1) 0.66ft No change in last hourExpected to rise 0.39 ft. in next hour
Unadilla River at Rockdale3 (crtn6) 3.05ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.49 ft. in next hour
Ouleout Creek at East Sidney Dam (ESDN6) 1,151.70ft No change in last hourExpected to fall 0.49 ft. in next hour

Data Courtesy of the National Water Prediction Service
Script Courtesy of Dennis at East Masonville Weather with mods by Saratoga-weather.org

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