Buoy Data UK

Mesomap of nearby weather buoys

 Air Temperature   Water Temperature   Wind Direction @ Speed   Wind Gust Speed   Barometer   Barometer Trend   Wave Height   Wave Dominant Period 

7.8 °C 10.3 °C Wind from NENE 26 kph n/a kph 1018.1 hPa n/a hPa 0.5 m n/a sec

8.0 °C 10.7 °C n/a n/a kph 1018.5 hPa n/a hPa 0.8 m n/a sec

10.5 °C n/a °C Wind from NWNW 17 kph n/a kph 1019.4 hPa -0.1 hPa n/a m n/a sec

7.2 °C n/a °C Wind from NN 26 kph n/a kph 1019.2 hPa +1.5 hPa 1.5 m n/a sec

6.9 °C n/a °C Wind from NN 18 kph n/a kph 1019.8 hPa +1.3 hPa 1.7 m n/a sec

7.3 °C n/a °C Wind from NWNW 11 kph n/a kph 1016.3 hPa -1.1 hPa 1.9 m n/a sec

5.9 °C n/a °C Wind from SSWSSW 9 kph n/a kph 1015.0 hPa -2.1 hPa 1.4 m n/a sec

n/a °C n/a °C Wind from SS 13 kph n/a kph 1015.3 hPa -2.0 hPa n/a m n/a sec

7.4 °C 9.1 °C n/a n/a kph 1012.1 hPa n/a hPa n/a m n/a sec

10.9 °C 11.5 °C n/a n/a kph 1028.0 hPa n/a hPa n/a m n/a sec

10.1 °C 10.8 °C Wind from WW 28 kph n/a kph 1023.7 hPa n/a hPa n/a m n/a sec

9.1 °C 9.8 °C Wind from WW 39 kph n/a kph 1014.3 hPa n/a hPa n/a m n/a sec

Sandettie Lightship at 2300: Air:7.8°C, Wtr:10.3°C, NE@26kph G n/a, 1018.1hPa, Wav:0.5m Greenwich Lightship at 2300: Air:8.0°C, Wtr:10.7°C, 1018.5hPa, Wav:0.8m Channel Lightship (62103) - no recent report available North Sea at 2300: Air:10.5°C, Wtr:n/a°C, NW@17kph G n/a, 1019.4hPa, Wav:n/am North Sea (62166) - no recent report available North Sea (62147) - no recent report available North Sea (63105) - no recent report available North Sea (62142) - no recent report available North Sea at 2300: Air:7.2°C, Wtr:n/a°C, N@26kph G n/a, 1019.2hPa, Wav:1.5m North Sea at 2300: Air:6.9°C, Wtr:n/a°C, N@18kph G n/a, 1019.8hPa, Wav:1.7m North Sea at 2300: Air:7.3°C, Wtr:n/a°C, NW@11kph G n/a, 1016.3hPa, Wav:1.9m North Sea (63113) - no recent report available North Sea (63104) - no recent report available North Sea at 2300: Air:5.9°C, Wtr:n/a°C, SSW@9kph G n/a, 1015.0hPa, Wav:1.4m North Sea at 2300: Air:n/a°C, Wtr:n/a°C, S@13kph G n/a, 1015.3hPa, Wav:n/am M2 - 20 NM East of Lambay (62091) - no recent report available M5 - South East (62094) - no recent report available M6 - West Coast (62095) - no recent report available M3 - 30 NM Southwest of Mizen Head (62092) - no recent report available M1 - 50 NM West of Aran Islands (62090) - no recent report available M4 - Donegal Bay (62093) - no recent report available Pembroke Buoy (62303) - no recent report available Sevenstones Lightship (62107) - no recent report available North Sea (62114) - no recent report available Aberporth Buoy (62301) - no recent report available K7 Buoy at 2300: Air:7.4°C, Wtr:9.1°C, 1012.1hPa, Wav:n/am Station 62125 (62125) - no recent report available K2 Buoy at 2300: Air:10.9°C, Wtr:11.5°C, 1028.0hPa, Wav:n/am K3 Buoy (62108) - no recent report available K4 Buoy at 2300: Air:10.1°C, Wtr:10.8°C, W@28kph G n/a, 1023.7hPa, Wav:n/am K5 Buoy at 2300: Air:9.1°C, Wtr:9.8°C, W@39kph G n/a, 1014.3hPa, Wav:n/am

ID Name Time
62304 Sandettie Lightship 2300 7.8 10.3 NE Wind from NE 26 n/a 1018.1 n/a 0.5 n/a
62305 Greenwich Lightship 2300 8.0 10.7 n/a n/a 1018.5 n/a 0.8 n/a
62103 Channel Lightship No recent reports.
62164 North Sea 2300 10.5 n/a NW Wind from NW 17 n/a 1019.4 -0.1 n/a n/a
62166 North Sea No recent reports.
62147 North Sea No recent reports.
63105 North Sea No recent reports.
62142 North Sea No recent reports.
62145 North Sea 2300 7.2 n/a N Wind from N 26 n/a 1019.2 +1.5 1.5 n/a
62144 North Sea 2300 6.9 n/a N Wind from N 18 n/a 1019.8 +1.3 1.7 n/a
63110 North Sea 2300 7.3 n/a NW Wind from NW 11 n/a 1016.3 -1.1 1.9 n/a
63113 North Sea No recent reports.
63104 North Sea No recent reports.
63112 North Sea 2300 5.9 n/a SSW Wind from SSW 9 n/a 1015.0 -2.1 1.4 n/a
63117 North Sea 2300 n/a n/a S Wind from S 13 n/a 1015.3 -2.0 n/a n/a
62091 M2 - 20 NM East of Lambay No recent reports.
62094 M5 - South East No recent reports.
62095 M6 - West Coast No recent reports.
62092 M3 - 30 NM Southwest of Mizen Head No recent reports.
62090 M1 - 50 NM West of Aran Islands No recent reports.
62093 M4 - Donegal Bay No recent reports.
62303 Pembroke Buoy No recent reports.
62107 Sevenstones Lightship No recent reports.
62114 North Sea No recent reports.
62301 Aberporth Buoy No recent reports.
64046 K7 Buoy 2300 7.4 9.1 n/a n/a 1012.1 n/a n/a n/a
62125 Station 62125 No recent reports.
62081 K2 Buoy 2300 10.9 11.5 n/a n/a 1028.0 n/a n/a n/a
62108 K3 Buoy No recent reports.
62105 K4 Buoy 2300 10.1 10.8 W Wind from W 28 n/a 1023.7 n/a n/a n/a
64045 K5 Buoy 2300 9.1 9.8 W Wind from W 39 n/a 1014.3 n/a n/a n/a

NDBC Buoy Cams

Data and Imagery Courtesy of NDBC Buoy Center The Vicarage Weather Feed - NDBC Buoy Finder Map

NDBC Buoy Finder Map

Data and Imagery Courtesy of NDBC Buoy Center
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